Cleansing or Surgery

What People are Saying:

My dad just completed 21 days on the Lemonade Diet and lost 20 pounds. He went from 185 pounds down to 165. He lost all his arthritic symptoms. Because his feet and knees no longer hurt, he is walking a mile a day. He will be 85 in May.

This all happened after my mom passed away November 30 after a long year of diabetes, congestive heart failure and ultimately kidney failure, gradually worsening. Dad cared for her at home with my brothers and me going home often to help. She was a wonderful sweet lady and is happy with the Lord now. Dad was after her all the time to do cleanses, drink more water, take her vitamins, etc., but she just wasn't game for much of it.

Dad reread Cleansing or Surgery 1-1/2 months ago to recommend the Intestinal Cleanse to a friend. In the process he got excited about the Lemonade Diet, which he had done for 11 days a couple years ago.

A week before he finished this last 21-day lemonade cleanse, he called and said, "This is the best thing I could have done for myself. When Mom died I was so despondent and didn't care whether or not I went on. Now I not only feel great physically, I have a whole new outlook on life. My goal is to live to be 100. I plan to do this cleanse for seven to ten days, three or four times per year like the preacher suggests." He respects you so much.

Thank you, Paul. God bless you, your family, and all.

G.H. Arkansas



Cleansing or SurgeryCleansing or Surgery

Eliminate gallstones, kidney stones, ulcers, high blood pressure, constipation and more. Use these simple, inexpensive cleanses to flush out the inside of the body and restore health.

Cleanses Include:


Try Kidney/Gallbladder Cleanse

See gallstones expelled on cleanse


Cleansing or Surgery

Cleansing or Surgery Russian Translation

Cleansing or Surgery Spanish Translation

Cleansing or Surgery / Simple Health Remedies

Cleansing / Remedies / Vegetarian Cookbook