What People are Saying:
Greetings to all at the Embassy of Heaven fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ.
Two weeks ago I came down with a severe pain in my abdomen, not to mention my back - everywhere really! I called some friends and asked for prayer. They both agreed that it sounded like I had a gall bladder attack. Well, I got better the next day and kind of did a "Jonah". I "ran" from the fact that I needed to do the gall bladder cleanse. I said to myself, "I feel fine now. I'll do the cleanse if I ever get another attack."
Well the Lord found Jonah, and he found me, too. A week later I talked with a friend that had his gall bladder taken out. Then I began to really look forward to doing the cleanse, instead of avoiding it.
Anyway, I started the cleanse. Just as your booklet says, I had a fairly uncomfortable third night. But, oh man! The next day I must have passed at least 50 gallstones. I could not understand how my gall bladder even functioned with all the stones I had to pass. Praise the Lord for your booklet. I look forward to doing the cleanse again soon just to make sure I've gotten them all. Thanks and God bless.
CG - North Carolina
My dad just
completed 21 days on the Lemonade Diet and lost 20 pounds. He went
from 185 pounds down to 165. He lost all his arthritic
symptoms. Because his feet and knees no longer hurt, he is walking a
mile a day. He will be 85 in May.
This all happened after my mom passed away November 30 after a long year of diabetes, congestive heart failure and ultimately kidney failure, gradually worsening. Dad cared for her at home with my brothers and me going home often to help. She was a wonderful sweet lady and is happy with the Lord now. Dad was after her all the time to do cleanses, drink more water, take her vitamins, etc., but she just wasn't game for much of it.
Dad reread Cleansing or Surgery 1-1/2 months ago to recommend the Intestinal Cleanse to a friend. In the process he got excited about the Lemonade Diet, which he had done for 11 days a couple years ago.
A week before he finished this last 21-day lemonade cleanse, he called and said, "This is the best thing I could have done for myself. When Mom died I was so despondent and didn't care whether or not I went on. Now I not only feel great physically, I have a whole new outlook on life. My goal is to live to be 100. I plan to do this cleanse for seven to ten days, three or four times per year like the preacher suggests." He respects you so much.
Thank you, Paul. God bless you, your family, and all.
G.H. Arkansas
Last October I experienced the pain of passing a kidney stone. At the conclusion of the ordeal, the doctor stated the problem would probably recur. I received no other advice.
With the memory of the ordeal fresh in mind, I began a search of the internet for more information on the condition, and a way of preventing the problem that I was assured would return. I found your website and the recipe: “Kidney/Gallbladder Cleanse.”
Thank you. I had five days off work; purchased the necessary ingredients and embarked on what has been the best and cheapest course of health therapy I have encountered.
S.L., United Kingdom
Your cleansing diet book has given us a miracle. A heart specialist had diagnosed Gerald with clogged arteries. Gerald did the Lemonade Diet from the 'Cleansing or Surgery' book for 10 days. Then he returned to the doctor. His clogged arteries were clear - no surgery, drugs, or other treatment was necessary. Praise the Lord.
D.B., Ohio
My wife and I recently completed your 4-day Gallbladder Cleanse from the Cleansing or Surgery book. We each passed 20 to 30 gallstones. My wife was scheduled for surgery. What a happy phone call we made to the hospital to say that we would like to cancel the surgery because we passed the gallstones.
M.K., Wisconsin
For years prior to the Cleanse, I had been on strong high blood pressure medicine which had really been dragging me down. During the Cleanse, my blood pressure went steadily down each day. Now my blood pressure is normal and I am off medication.
Ethel, Kentucky
My friend has suffered from an ulcer for 25 years, never going for longer than 3 days without pain and never with total relief. After just one day on the cleanse, the pain was gone completely! He continued the Diet for the full 10 days. Today when I asked him how he felt he said, 'Great! No more ulcers.' He sends his thanks.
B.R., Texas
My first 10 Cleansing or Surgery books went like hot cakes. In fact, I had to give my copy away. My sister did the Kidney-Gallbladder Cleanse and purged herself of a half cup of stones - black, green and a few red - much to her surprise. I hope to do likewise soon.
Barbara, California
Enclosed is my money for 10 copies of Cleansing or Surgery to give to my children and friends. I consider your little book worth more than the dozen I already have of other publications. Thank you.
E.H., South Dakota
Just wanted to let you know how grateful I am that we met you and to thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing the book Cleansing or Surgery with us. If it hadn't been for you, I would probably be missing a few precious body parts by now. Instead, I'm totally intact and healthy! (And some doctor is missing a few house payments!)
Thanks again,
Just a few lines to let you know you are in my prayers. My wife just took the gallbladder cleanse. Praise the Lord for your sharing such knowledge. Needless to say, she expelled numerous stones and cheated the surgeon. Pastor, keep the faith. We're so glad for your testimony.
Ray & Chris
Greetings to all at the Embassy of Heaven fellowship in the name of Jesus Christ.
Two weeks ago I came down with a severe pain in my abdomen, not to mention my back - everywhere really! I called some friends and asked for prayer. They both agreed that it sounded like I had a gall bladder attack. Well, I got better the next day and kind of did a "Jonah". I "ran" from the fact that I needed to do the gall bladder cleanse. I said to myself, "I feel fine now. I'll do the cleanse if I ever get another attack."
Well the Lord found Jonah, and he found me, too. A week later I talked with a friend that had his gall bladder taken out. Then I began to really look forward to doing the cleanse, instead of avoiding it.
Anyway, I started the cleanse. Just as your booklet says, I had a fairly uncomfortable third night. But, oh man! The next day I must have passed at least 50 gallstones. I could not understand how my gall bladder even functioned with all the stones I had to pass. Praise the Lord for your booklet. I look forward to doing the cleanse again soon just to make sure I've gotten them all. Thanks and God bless.
CG - North Carolina
I spoke with you a few weeks ago about your "Cleansing or Surgery" book. Already we have nine people who want copies. These people include two Pastors, a Chiropractor and a Medical Doctor.
I have read different materials over the years about cleansing, but we have been most impressed with your book due to its straightforward approach, sound information, and use of scripture. We especially appreciated the warning not to go "overboard" and make cleansing an idol.
My husband has just completed the Lemonade Diet. He began to show symptoms of fighting a virus and decided to go on the diet to clear things up. He is a painting contractor and was able to work hard the whole time he was on the Diet. He will just begin coming off the diet today.
All virus symptoms cleared up, a soreness in his elbow, which he has had on and off since last October, also cleared up. With his constant exposure to toxic fumes from paint, he is excited to be able to do this for his body. He is also interested to see how this cleanse will help his system out in regard to seasonal allergies. We have been very proactive with our health, and his allergies have greatly improved over the years, but we are excited to see how these cleanses can go much further in balancing his system.
God's blessings on you as you equip the Body in this much needed area of internal cleansing.
Sincerely in Christ,
D.S. Colorado
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our King now. I have a friend that is HIV positive. She saw me mixing another batch of the Sanguinaria Mint Mouthwash and asked me if it was any good. I told her it was better than anything else I've used and was keeping me out of the dentist's chair.
She wondered if it would help clear up the thrush in her mouth. She explained that thrush is very common in people with the HIV virus. So I gave her a small jar of the mouthwash to try. After one week, the thrush is going away and her tongue is regaining its natural color. Praises to our King.
My cholesterol dropped from 273 to 219 on the Lemonade fast. Thanks.
C. Hunter
I want to thank you for the
Cleansing or Surgery book. Receiving the book was no coincidence. It
was just a short time afterwards that I was faced with a decision. I
needed to go into a time of fasting and prayer.
Praise the Lord for the Lemonade Diet. That was the longest I had ever gone without food. The Lord and the Lemonade enabled me to go on about my daily tasks, with no problems or side effects. I am a plumber and my work is sometimes pretty physical. The fast went very well for both my spirit and my physical body.
G. H.
Since we purchased a copy of your Cleansing or Surgery booklet last fall, our family (Mom, Dad, and 12 year-old daughter) has completed most of them and we are delighted with our new healthier temples! Thank you!
We did the Lemonade Diet first. Mom lost 25 pounds and daughter lost 10 pounds. Mom was most impressed with the restored balance in her system, though. For years, she had suffered from the heat in the summer and was often too hot even in winter, when everyone else was comfortable. When we finished the lemonade cleanse, Mom's temperature gauge was repaired and she is 25 pounds lighter.
We want to thank whoever discovered the Salt Water Flush, as enemas are so uncomfortable. Salt Water Flushing is so simple and effective.
After 10 days on the Lemonade Diet we went right into the Kidney-Gallbladder Cleanse. Within 2 hours of starting the apple juice, Mom experienced aching in the kidneys and is convinced she passed impurities, though she didn't strain her urine. On the fourth day, she passed hundreds of stones.
After we completed the Intestinal Cleanse, Mom decided to go back to the Lemonade Diet to lose more weight. She finds the Lemonade cleanse the most effective cleansing and weight loss diet ever. She says the most wonderful part of the weight loss during the Lemonade Diet is that it is not a temporary fluctuation. We believe that because the fasting reduces the appetite and the cleanses allow the body to function properly again, the weight losses are not gained once the fasting stops.
Mom wants to lose 50 more pounds so she has modified the Lemonade Diet. She drinks lemonade Monday through Thursday, finishing off with orange juice on Friday. On weekends, she cooks and eats with the family. It makes the fasting for weight loss more tolerable and less stressful for Mom. So far she is averaging 6 to 10 pounds of weight loss per week.
We praise God for the help in this book and have people waiting anxiously for a copy.
The Drostes
Three and a half weeks ago I had terrible pain that started Sunday night. I wondered what it might be - was it a heart attack? As I prayed, God revealed that gallstones were causing the problem. By Wednesday, I had jaundice. I looked in some of my nursing textbooks and read that gallstones can sometimes block the ducts, causing the liver to shut down. I started on the 4-day Kidney-Gallbladder Cleanse and by Friday morning the liver ducts opened again. On the morning of the fourth day, I passed 150 large gallstones and too many small ones to count. Best of all the pain finally subsided. Today I am a little tired but I'm pain free. I am grateful to God that He saved me from emergency surgery.
S. J.; Killeen, Texas
Gene is 66 and I am 58. I've had gallstones for several years and had four attacks but I dreaded even thinking about surgery because I have Fibromyalgia and any stress or injury to the body brings on increased pain and fatigue. Also, for the last 5 years we've had a little dog who loves to stretch across my body as we wake up in the morning. She has her back feet on my left side and her front feet on my right side while I scratch her back. The problem was that the area around the gallbladder was always sensitive...not painful, but I felt a need to protect it.
My most recent attack came just as Gene was making contact with you good people and he had read the gallbladder cleanse to me previously. After my attack I stayed feeling ill and my gallbladder remained sensitive from the recent infection. I finally said to him, "I want to do that cleanse. The AMA has been waving their scalpels at me for three years and I want to try this first."
We did it together because Gene suspected that he had just had a mild attack while we were traveling. The apple juice was a pleasure to drink although by day three I was a little tired of it. I found that freezing it into apple sickles made it go down easier and was a nice change in texture. We found the salt cleansing to be easy by taking a breath between each drink.
On the third night we made a ritual of pouring the excellent quality olive oil into glasses and putting in short straws. Gene squeezed the lemon juice fresh at the time. Neither was a problem to drink for us although my face screwed up at the lemon juice!
Gene laid down on the sofa on his right side and I laid across our bed with a pillow under my right hip. We were both equipped with TV remote controls and telephones and we called each other a couple times, me answering, "Ward 2, Cheryl speaking." We had virtually no symptoms of what was going on but I had noticed that day that I no longer had a sensitivity to my dog being across my stomach area.
About midnight we went to bed to sleep and woke in the morning and took the salt cleanse. I only made it about ten minutes before I had to run to the bathroom. Now, for three days we had been...uhmmm.....squirting apple juice and water so I knew immediately that I was passing something solid instead. What an amazing thing to see my stones in the toilet without surgery!
Later Gene also had to go to the bathroom and we got the biggest surprise. He passed about ten times the stones that I did!
We took pictures because I want to show my current doctor and I'll have another sonogram to see if they are all gone. Pretty amazing, huh? Even if they are not all passed, I'm sure this was most of it and I'll just do another cleanse. View Gallstones below.
Thank you both for your ministry and all your help. We are new converts and look forward to doing the other cleanses. All our nervousness is gone regarding the cleanses being difficult, and we believe that this is God's way of healing, using God's own fruits and oils and seeds.
Love, in Christ,
Cheryl Hardcastle
See gallstones expelled on cleanse