Cleansing or Surgery

What People are Saying:

For years prior to the Cleanse, I had been on strong high blood pressure medicine which had really been dragging me down. During the Cleanse, my blood pressure went steadily down each day. Now my blood pressure is normal and I am off medication.

Ethel, Kentucky



Heart Cleanse

Cleansing can speed the healing of almost every disease. But even the most thorough cleansing of the body cannot overcome a negative state of mind. If we nurse anger and hold within us deep resentments, we become a target for disease.

Stress, fear, jealousy, worry, and deep resentments can predispose our body to ailments and disease. Stomach ulcers, prostate problems and difficulties with female organs can often be aggravated by negative attitudes.

What if you had an open wound and every time it started to heal over, you broke it open again? It would be impossible for the wound to close over and heal. That is what happens every time you start remembering how others have hurt you or your loved ones. You open up a wound that is trying to heal. As you stew and fret over how you have been wronged, the wound is cut deeper. Yet if you would forgive those who did you wrong, then the matter would be ended and forgotten.

(Combine this with the Lemonade Diet for the most effective cleanse of the heart and arteries.)

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