What People are Saying:
Three and a half weeks ago I had terrible pain that started Sunday night. I wondered what it might be - was it a heart attack? As I prayed, God revealed that gallstones were causing the problem. By Wednesday, I had jaundice. I looked in some of my nursing textbooks and read that gallstones can sometimes block the ducts, causing the liver to shut down. I started on the 4-day Kidney-Gallbladder Cleanse and by Friday morning the liver ducts opened again. On the morning of the fourth day, I passed 150 large gallstones and too many small ones to count. Best of all the pain finally subsided. Today I am a little tired but I'm pain free. I am grateful to God that He saved me from emergency surgery.
S. J.; Killeen, Texas
Which cleanse should I do first?
The most efficient way to cleanse is to start with the Kidney-Gallbladder Cleanse and then work your way through the book. The Kidney-Gallbladder Cleanse tunes up the liver, preparing it to handle toxins that will be released in the upcoming cleanses. The Intestinal Cleanse is the best overall cleanse and removes solid wastes. The Lemonade Diet cleanses the mucus membranes, arteries and joints. Having a clean intestinal tract promotes the quick elimination of toxins that will be released during the Lemonade Diet.
Has your Cleansing or Surgery book been used to help cancer victims?
Health practitioners in Mexico are having good success using Cleansing or Surgery methods for those with cancer. They start them out with the Gallbladder-Kidney cleanse to prepare the liver for the toxins that will be released. Then they go on the Intestinal Cleanse for 3 months. They finish with the Lemonade Diet. After this 3-1/2 month cleansing program, their immune system is stronger and the body's natural healing mechanisms are activated.
Can any of the cleanses be done during pregnancy or while breastfeeding?
We have had good reports from both pregnant and breastfeeding moms who do the Intestinal Cleanse to eliminate toxins. This Cleanse is wonderful for keeping the bowels moving regularly. During the Intestinal Cleanse you continue eating so both you and the baby will be nourished.
The Blackstrap Molasses taken with the Psyllium drink is high in calcium, iron and potassium. It is an excellent source of B vitamins and is also rich in copper, magnesium, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, inositol, and vitamin E. See Intestinal Cleanse for more information on cleansing during pregnancy.
Which cleanse do you recommend to relieve the smoking habit?
The Lemonade Diet has been used successfully to quit smoking. According to author, Stanley Burroughs, "Alcoholics, smokers, and other drug addicts will receive untold benefits from this Diet. The chemical changes and the cleansing have a way of removing the craving and the many probable deficiencies. Thus the desire for the unnatural types of stimulants and depressants disappears. The usual cravings experienced and suffered in breaking away from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco no longer present themselves during and after this Diet."
How do I know if my pain is because of gallbladder problems?
Abdominal pain just below your last rib on your right side and lined up with your right nipple, usually indicates a gallbladder problem. There will probably be tenderness when you press down on the spot.
I was told that the gallbladder is unnecessary and that I can live perfectly well without one. Is that true?
That is not true. The gallbladder is required to emulsify fats. The concept of emulsifying fats is similar to washing greasy dishes. Without adding soap, it is almost impossible to clean off the grease. Soap emulsifies the fat so that it can be removed. In a similar way, the gallbladder stores bile and bile acids, which emulsify the fat you eat so that it can be properly transported through the intestines into the blood stream.
I've had my gallbladder removed, can gallstones still accumulate?
Yes. Even after surgery a little pocket remains where stones can accumulate. The Gallbladder Cleanse will flush out the area and expel gallstones that may have formed since the surgery.
When you do a gallbladder cleanse, is the salt water flush absolutely necessary? Isn't it harmful to drink so much salt?
The salt is used in the "Saltwater Flush" to create a saline solution that tricks the body into sending the liquid down the intestinal tract instead of being absorbed into the body. By doing this, the liquid acts like a top-down enema. It flushes the entire intestinal tract instead of just the large intestine. When used properly, the salt will be passed through the body rather than being absorbed into the body. The Saltwater Flush is not necessary, but is an effective way to flush fecal matter out of the intestinal tract. When the gallstones are released at the end of the cleanse program, you will have less fecal matter, making it easier to identify the stones when they are released from the body.
On the Saltwater Flush, I get a real salty taste in my mouth and seem to urinate more, too. I have tried more salt, with the same results. Do I need less salt for my body chemistry?
The objective of the Saltwater Flush is to send water down the intestinal tract. Sometimes the saltwater does not flow into the intestinal tract properly. For best results, drink the recommended saltwater solution and then lie on your right side for 30 minutes. This insures that the saltwater will quickly leave the stomach and go into the small intestines.
If you look at the drawing on page 4 of Cleansing or Surgery, the opening from the stomach into the small intestines looks like a teapot spout. By lying on your right side, you tip the teapot, allowing the saltwater to easily flow out of the stomach and into the intestines.
I did the gallbladder cleanse per the instructions on the internet. It really works. I passed about 60 stones, large, medium, and small. I wondered though about the kidney stones. Do those pass out the urinary tract? I did not pass any that I know of.
If you had any kidney stones, they would have passed through the urinary tract, often without notice. Sometimes they look like tiny pieces of gravel or thin ribbons. The apple juice causes the stones to turn into a soft, silky, material. Unless you use a screen when urinating, you may not see them. Most people who have kidney stones notice that the pain disappears during the program.
I want to know if I can substitute reverse osmosis filtered water for the steam distilled water?
Our research shows that reverse osmosis is one of the most effective ways to remove impurities from the water. Sometimes reverse osmosis may not be as effective at removing certain microorganisms, but this should not adversely effect the gallbladder cleanse.
Can I do the Intestinal Cleanse while I am pregnant?
We know of a number of women who have benefited by doing the Intestinal Cleanse during pregnancy. One mother reported being constipated and lethargic during her early pregnancy. She started the Intestinal Cleanse and said it was her best pregnancy ever in terms of energy and good health. She did the cleanse for two months. Constipation was no problem. When the baby was born, labor was her easiest and the baby grew to be the healthiest of her six children. She believes it was the Intestinal Cleanse that made such a difference.
Some have suggested that the Intestinal Cleanse might not be wise during pregnancy because the body releases toxins and other nasties. Is this a concern?
The Organic psyllium husks are not food. They are high fiber husks that gently scrub debris from the intestinal walls and help lubricate the bowels. This seems like it would be a real benefit to both the mother and the baby.
When on the cleanse, any toxins that are released into the blood stream are headed to the great outdoors. This is because the intestinal tract had its "doors" opened by the psyllium husks so that the toxins can escape. Prior to the "doors" being opened, the blood stream was carrying a high concentration of toxins.
The other half of the story is that prior to cleansing, nutrients could not enter the blood stream efficiently. But when the "doors" are opened, nutrients are now able to enter the bloodstream and are available to both mother and child.
God made our bodies. If the intestinal tract is not functioning, then we are dying in our own pollution. However, if we cleanse the intestinal tract, the body will naturally eliminate the toxins and absorb nutrients. Then we can live again.
There is one concern. What was the nutritional history of the mother? Are there any harmful drugs stored in the fat cells? If these drugs are released into the blood stream, will they exit the body or will they become a threat to the health of the unborn baby? I don't know the answer. My first thought would be that the drugs are headed out of the body. We need to remember that God created our bodies to stay alive and He provides mechanisms to protect His Temple. If given a chance, the body will protect the unborn child. This is a matter that you will have to research and pray for answers.
I have suffered with Constipation for years. I have been cleansing for a week now and am still not having daily movements.
Every body reacts a little differently. On the Intestinal Cleanse, you may sometimes miss having a daily bowel movement at first until the body adjusts to the new cleansing program. This may take a week or two. But don't worry or give up. In God's perfect timing, you will cleanse and rejuvenate your intestinal tract.
Here are a few ways you can help the cleanse work better:
Is it normal to see hardened long rubbery pieces of fecal matter that have deep grooves in them coming out of your bowels?
You may have many odd shapes and unusual smells pass out of you on the Cleanse. Just be thankful that your body is expelling them.
Does the Intestinal Cleanse not work for some people? I'm just not getting regular bowel movements.
The Organic psyllium husks provide a gentle, mechanical cleansing of the intestinal tract. If you are not having daily bowel movements on the Intestinal Cleanse, you may need an extra boost to get you going. We recommend supplementing with Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula #1. You may need to go back and start with doing just a teaspoon of Organic psyllium. Your intestinal tract may be too sluggish to handle any more than that at first. Then gradually work up to the bigger doses once you are having daily bowel movements.
Can you combine the Intestinal Cleanse with the Lemonade Diet?
After many experiments, we have found it is not wise to combine the Lemonade Diet and the Intestinal Cleanse. The psyllium needs bulk to keep foods moving down the tract. The Lemonade Diet requires that no solid foods be eaten. The two cleanses are in conflict because one relies on eating meals to properly cleanse; the other requires that only liquids be consumed.
Do you have a cleanse for parasites?
Parasites that are located in the intestinal tract can be eliminated by doing the Intestinal Cleanse. The Organic psyllium husks sweep out the decaying material that the parasites feed on. When their food is gone, the parasites are swept out, too.
I am doing the psyllium husks colon treatment, but I don't like the taste of Blackstrap Molasses. Can I use something else?
You do not have to use Blackstrap Molasses if it bothers you. You can drink the psyllium in plain water or add an ounce or two of unsweetened fruit juice to flavor the water. The purpose of the Molasses is to add minerals and to help regulate the bowels. You can also use Sucanat, which is evaporated cane juice. We originally did the Intestinal Cleanse with Organic Psyllium and plain water and had good results.
Can you tell me if one 12-oz container of psyllium is enough for a cleanse?
A 12-oz container of psyllium will last about 3 weeks. To do a meaningful cleanse would require at least 1.5 months (2 containers). If you are over 40 and have never cleansed, we recommend a 3-month Intestinal Cleanse (5 containers).
I have been diagnosed with Diverticulitis and Ulcerative Colitis. Will the psyllium husk from the intestinal cleanse hurt these in any way? Or am I to believe the Intestinal Cleanse might actually help rid me of these diseases?
The Intestinal Cleanse should be helpful in healing the diseases you mentioned. The Organic psyllium provides fiber and lubricates the intestinal tract as it gently loosens old fecal matter. Because you have some damaged tissues, you may experience some pain and discomfort as you are doing the cleanse. But if you can get the intestinal tract cleansed, the body will be able to heal much easier. Stay on the beginning dosage until you feel comfortable enough to move up to higher dosages.
We only eat two meals a day. Do we have to take the psyllium four times daily?
For best results, the Organic whole psyllium husks should be taken at least three times a day. If you only take it once or twice a day, it will keep you regular, but you won't be doing the deep cleansing that scrubs away the old, decayed matter. If you only eat two meals a day, take the psyllium before those meals and then take it one or two more times in between meals or in the evening.
Is it is harmful to continue on the Lemonade Diet for 60 days or more? I have just finished 30 full days on the Lemonade Diet. I lost 35 pounds and feel much better. However, I am still 40 pounds overweight and I would like to spend another 30 days or so on the Lemonade Diet. I seem to have experienced no problems during my 30 days.
The Lemonade Diet is food and contains all the nutrients that your body needs. We know of people who have gone continuously for over 100 days. We are not aware of any problems from doing the program. You should be able to determine if your body is continuing to benefit from the cleanse. While doing the Lemonade Diet, we recommend using cayenne as directed. It will increase your circulation and supply additional nutrients.
Which cleanse is best for clearing out mucus from the throat?
The Lemonade Diet reduces mucus levels, but the Intestinal Cleanse allows the body to eliminate properly so that the mucus has a place to go. Both cleanses would be very helpful.
I have been on the Lemonade Diet for several days and I notice it is harsh on the tooth enamel. What can I do about this?
Try drinking the lemonade through a straw. You could also rinse your mouth out with water after drinking.
I am on high blood pressure medication as well as arthritis, allergy and pain medications. Should I keep taking them while on the Lemonade Diet or abstain until the 10 days are up?
The author of the Lemonade Diet, Stanley Burroughs, does not mention what to do about prescription medication. He does suggest that taking supplements could interfere with the cleansing process. We know of many men and women who abstained from various medications during the cleanse and found they did not need them afterwards, or they were able to take smaller doses. This is something you will have to decide.
I am diabetic. Can I go on the Lemonade Diet?
Yes, there are special instructions in the book for Diabetics. Blackstrap Molasses is used instead of maple syrup, which is sweeter. You know your body best and whether it can handle maple syrup or whether you might need to start with a scant tablespoon of molasses and over the next few days work up to 2 tablespoons per glass. It is recommended that you check your sugar level in the urine and blood if you are concerned. If you handle this well, you can replace the molasses with maple syrup for the duration of the cleanse.
I am somewhat allergic to orange juice. Are there other juices I can use to come off the Lemonade Diet?
Yes, freshly squeezed grapefruit juice can be used.
Do you have to do the Saltwater Flush everyday of the Lemonade Diet?
No, but you will obtain better cleansing results if you do. Normally we recommend continuing the Saltwater Flush as long as you keep seeing solid or muddy wastes being flushed out.
I have been on the Lemonade Diet for four days. The first two days I did the Saltwater Flush and took the herbal laxative and had bowel movements. But now the bowel movements have stopped, even though I'm still taking the herbal laxative and Saltwater. Is this normal?
It sounds like the saltwater may not be emptying properly into the intestinal tract. Here's a tip to try. After drinking the saltwater on an empty stomach, lie on your right side for 30 minutes to "tip the teapot," insuring that the saltwater goes directly into the intestinal tract. This should give you good results every time. You do not need to continue taking the laxatives. The Saltwater Flush works fine without them.
Does the Lemonade Diet eliminate the need for the other cleanses since it seems to be the master cleanser? And, does the Saltwater Flush eliminate the need for the colon cleanse, or do you still need to do the colon cleanse?
The Lemonade Diet does an excellent job of cleansing the arteries and mucus membranes. The Saltwater Flush effectively removes wastes that are currently in the intestinal tract. However, because we eat highly processed and refined foods, the walls of the intestinal tract become caked with hard, tar-like fecal matter. The best way to remove this old, decayed matter is by doing the Intestinal Cleanse.
Many people's tracts are so coated that the opening is only the diameter of a dime. They feel weak and tired. The size of a normal tract should be between the size of a quarter and a half-dollar. The Organic whole psyllium husks used in the Intestinal Cleanse gently scrub the intestinal walls, loosening the caked-up fecal matter.
After about three months on the Intestinal Cleanse, you effectively remove the coating that was blocking the transfer of nutrients and wastes. The body can assimilate nutrients better and unload the waste from every cell. Not only will you have more energy, but now the body can go to work removing toxins from other parts of the body and sending it out via the Intestinal Tract. Even after you complete the Intestinal Cleanse, your health will continue improving because the transfer of nutrients and wastes is so much more efficient.
Do you know of any problems using this cleanse if you have Ulcerative Colitis, Crone's Disease, or Diverticulosis?
We have not heard of any problems using the Lemonade Diet if you have Ulcerative Colitis, Crone's Disease, or Diverticulosis. However, we recommend doing the Intestinal Cleanse first if you have these problems. Cleansing the intestinal tract will do much to promote healing.
Is it okay to exercise (lift weights and do cardio) while doing the Lemonade Diet?
You should be able to do normal activities during the Lemonade Diet, including physical activities. The Diet contains all the vitamins, food, and energy necessary for the full ten days or longer in a liquid form. If you start feeling fatigued, nauseous, or dizzy, drink more lemonade to flush the toxins out of the bloodstream. Many people find they have more energy during the Diet because the body does not have to expend energy digesting food.
I'm skinny and have a hard time retaining my weight and an even harder time gaining muscle mass. Will the cleansings you advise cause loss of muscle mass? I need all I can get and cannot afford to lose what I have.
The Lemonade Diet has all the nutrition needed while on the cleanse. For those underweight, more maple syrup may be taken. For those who are underweight and worried about losing more weight, remember, the only things you can possibly lose are mucus, waste, and disease. Healthy tissue will not be eliminated. Many people who need to gain weight actually do so near the end of the diet period.
Paul Revere is 5"11" and 155 pounds. He went on the Lemonade Diet last year for 41 days. His health problems disappeared and he has had no known adverse affects. The Diet helps you attain your natural body weight because all the organs in your body function better after being cleansed.
Do I need to use cheesecloth to strain the mouthwash?
No, you can carefully pour the mouthwash concentrate into a jar, being careful only to pour out the liquid, leaving the particles behind.
Can I make all five mouthwash packets at once?
Yes, make them in separate quart jars. After two weeks, strain out the concentrate and store in clean jars in a dark place. Don't dilute the mouthwash concentrate until you are ready to use it. If stored in a dark place, the concentrate should stay viable for several years.
I am a teetotaler and have never had an alcoholic beverage, let alone anything like vodka. Can't I use something else to make the mouthwash?
Most mouthwashes contain alcohol. The alcohol is not for drinking. The purpose of the alcohol is to draw out the active ingredients in the dried herbs. After two weeks, the herbs are strained out and water is added to dilute the solution. The resulting mouthwash is not a beverage and is not for drinking. We use alcohol because it does an excellent job of drawing the herbs into solution and preserving their beneficial properties.