What People are Saying:
My friend has suffered from an ulcer for 25 years, never going for longer than 3 days without pain and never with total relief. After just one day on the cleanse, the pain was gone completely! He continued the Diet for the full 10 days. Today when I asked him how he felt he said, "Great! No more ulcers." He sends his thanks.
B.R., Texas
Anyone can make wine. It is not particularly complicated or time consuming. This is a natural
process that, until recently, was part of everyday life.
If you live beyond the sidewalks, and enjoy preserving fruits and vegetables, winemaking is one more way to store the harvest. And even if you don’t have a garden, there is always fruit available that’s just going to waste. Here’s your opportunity to preserve this surplus.
This book is designed to take the fear and mystique out of winemaking.
Chapters Include: