What People are Saying:
Enclosed is my money for 10 copies of Cleansing or Surgery to give to my children and friends. I consider your little book worth more than the dozen I already have of other publications. Thank you.
E.H., South Dakota
Gallstones are the fifth cause of hospital admission and the third most common surgical procedure. But surgery is not the only answer. Imagine being able to remove these gallstones painlessly, without a knife and without a doctor.
If you do the Gallbladder Cleanse, you won't bear the marks of surgery on your body. You'll have something even more exciting – the gallstones themselves.
Common symptoms of gallstones include chronic gas, belching, pain, bloating, jaundice, headache, bad temper, sluggishness, nerves, or severe pain in right abdomen under rib cage. You may have gallstones even though you have none of these symptoms.
Try Kidney/Gallbladder Cleanse